8 Yoga Poses for Relaxation
At the end of a yoga session,
take time to cool down with some hip openers, reclined twists, and passive
inversions. These poses can also stand on their own when you just want to relax
your body. Props are recommended for some poses and can always be used for a
more restorative experience.
1. Pigeon Pose - Eka Pada
Begin by taking a long pigeon on each side. Start with the right leg
forward. Be sure to prop yourself with a blanket or block under the right glute
if it doesn't come to the floor on its own. It's important to feel supported
here so you can be comfortable and relaxed. Come into a forward fold, letting
the weight of your torso rest on your front leg. You can undulate up and down a
few times before settling into the folded position. If your forearms don't
reach the floor, use a block or two under them. If your forearms come to the
floor easily, extend your arms and bring your forehead to the mat or a block.
Bring your attention to your hips. The left one may be higher than the right,
since the inclination is to roll a bit toward the right side. Try to level them
out. Stay two minutes or about twenty breaths. Then repeat the process with the
left leg forward.
2. Supported Bridge
Roll over onto your back. Bend your knees and bring your feet flat on the
floor close to your butt. Have a block nearby. On inhalation, lift your hips
off the floor and slide the block under your sacrum, coming into a supported
bridge pose. The block has three different possible heights, so decide how high
you want it to be. Since we're cooling down, keep it comfortable. Let the
sacrum rest on the block. Roll your shoulders under and stay for 10-20 breaths.
To come out, press your feet down strongly and lift your hips before removing
the block and releasing to the floor. Take your feet as wide as your mat and
let you knees rest on each other. Stay there several breaths.
3. Goddess Pose - Supta Baddha Konasana
Bring the soles of your feet together close to your butt and let your knees
fall open to either side in goddess pose. There are a number of different ways to prop here. For the most relaxing
experience, bring folded blankets, a block, or a bolster under each knee if
they are not close to the floor. Here are a few other variations on goddess. Stay 10-20 breaths.
4. Supine Spinal Twist - Supta Matsyendrasana
Straighten both legs and remove any props. Bend your right knee and draw it
into your chest. Scoot your left hip to the right as you guide your right knee
across your body toward the floor, coming into a supine spinal twist. Extend
your right arm perpendicular to your body and turn your head to the right.
Apply gentle pressure with your left hand on your right knee. Close your eye
and count 10-20 breaths. Then bring your right knee back into your chest and
switch sides.

5. Happy Baby - Ananda Balasana
Bring both knees into your chest and give them a hug. Then separate your
knees toward your arms pits and turn the soles of your feet toward the ceiling.
Your shins will be perpendicular to the floor. You can choose to hold onto
either the inside or outside of your feet, whichever feels better. This is happy
baby. Gently pull your feet down. Roll a little to each side, massaging the
sacrum, if that feels good. Take at least 10 breaths.

6. Legs Up the Wall - Viparita Karani
Move over to a wall. To come into viparita karani, lie on your right side
with your knees in tight to your chest and your butt on the wall. Roll to the
left and extend your legs straight up the wall. You can do this with a bolster
under your butt if you like. You can also try taking the legs into a wide V
shape. To come out, bend the knees toward your chest and roll to one side.
7. Corpse Pose - Savasana
To prepare for savasana, scoot away from the wall and lie down on your
back. Separate your legs slightly and let your feet fall out to either side.
Turn your palms to face upward. Make sure you are not touching anything and can
relax completely. Here are some more savasana tips and props that cam enhance
your experience. Set a timer and stay here 10 minutes.
8. Easy Pose - Sukhasana
After savasana is an ideal time to sit in meditation for a few minutes if
you want to. Sit in easy pose with a folded blanket or bolster under your sit
bones. Let your hands rest on your knees or in your lap. Close your eyes and
focus on your breath. If you mind wanders, bring the attention back to your
inhales and exhales. Set a timer for five or ten minutes.
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