Eat Stop Eat is also an IF-based diet, similar to the Warrior diet. The difference is that rather than fasting on a daily basis, you fast two days per week. With Eat Stop Eat, the science behind the diet is that by fasting for two days out of a week, you reduce your caloric intake by 10-20%, or 2400 to 4000 calories, resulting in weight loss of about a pound per week.
It's a pretty simple concept really. Pick two days a week to fast and eat sensibly the other five days. Some people swear it works wonders, while others say after about three weeks the body grows accustomed to being starved every couple days and weight loss becomes minimal.
- Just like the Warrior Diet, if you do decrease your calorie intake you should lose weight
- You don't have to give up any specific foods
- You can choose any two days you like to fast
- You may save on your grocery bill by cutting two day's food per week out during shopping trips
- Easy to fall off the wagon due to being extremely hungry on fasting days
- Starvation days may cause dieters to overeat on non-fasting days
- You may experience headache, shakiness, weakness and lack of concentration during your under-eating hours due to the fact that your blood sugar levels have dropped after a long night's sleep
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